Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Training Power

One dark and dismal afternoon – locked in an Air Conditioned corporate environment – someone thinks or even asks: – Why do I or you or anyone on this planet need added training? 15 years of my life spent getting a degree and still in training!

Thing is in life we are always in training, every time and everyday! How does one use the proper spoon, where on earth is “ctrl, alt, del” on the keyboard, what do I say after ‘hello’, I have a team, supposed to be the leader, will I manage? And someone tells you how do all this and more.

Adults are continuously learning- and we need training simply because of the inner urge to go ahead and succeed in new roles. We train because the world is changing and we all need to keep up with it. We train because every day there is a new idea, method or system and we need to know it. And yes, we also train, because we need to know what to say after “hello”!

So here are few real reasons why you and I and all of us trying to create a better workplace need training!

· A Stronger Bottom Line - As your employees are given the opportunity for continuous growth. New ideas, methods and even change management helps them meet the challenges ahead

· Business is made more efficient As employees improve through training, their performance will bring in stronger methods towards efficiency

· Training can help to define a variety of needs – Corporate and employees understand how to identify training needs and identify opportunities. Training teaches a range of skills and techniques that will all help in some way to improve methods of working, expression and more

And of course there is more! Just write back and tell us why you think training is important!

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